In April 2018 ‘Hidden Gems’ will be released. Our newest album with a colourful collection of gems, with music from several corners of the world and various periods of music history.
Hidden Gems will be released on our new label Pentatone Music and is available from April 6th in our web shop.
From 17 May 2018 we start a special concert tour for the album release with five concerts on extraordinary locations in the Netherlands.
The cities are already known, the concert locations are still secret. The ticket sale starts at 3 April via this page.
Starting from this date you can also join the Hidden Gems’ treasure hunt with special prizes, including a private (living room) concert by Calefax!
Thu 17 mei, 20.30, Groningen, secret location
Sat 19 mei, 20.30, Utrecht, secret location
Sun 20 mei, 20.30, Amsterdam, secret location
Thu 24 mei, 20.30, Rotterdam, secret location
Sat 26 mei, 20.30, Nijmegen, secret location