Roxane van Iperen to Calefax-land

Roxane van Iperen
to Calefax-land

the role of music in times of conflict, misfortune, and trauma

A new edition of the annual concert series Welcome to Calefax Land! Writer and lawyer Roxane van Iperen delves into the role of music in times of conflict, misfortune, and trauma in collaboration with Calefax.

Topics on which Van Iperen did extensive research for her writing, such as the bestsellers The High Nest and Putting Yourself First (Eigen welzijn eerst). Van Iperen places current conflicts in a historical context and sheds light on the workings of traumas – and how to deal with them. The musical contributions of Calefax add a spiritual depth to her stories.

For Roxane Van Iperen, the duality of music is important: it can lift people to a different state of being, but it can also undermine them. Calefax performs music selected by Van Iperen with a broader narrative, including pieces by Dmitri Shostakovich, Henriëtte Bosmans, Olivier Messiaen, and Kinan Azmeh. Stories that Van Iperen shares in her characteristicly apt and inspiring manner.

Final director: Cora Burggraaf.

That which people cannot, may not, or dare not speak of finds its way out through the instrument as wordless breaths.” — Vrij Nederland, Roxane van Iperen

Upcoming concerts

Fri 11 Apr 20.15 Roxane van Iperen to Calefax-land Sint Aegtenkapel (try out) (sold out) Amersfoort / NL Tickets
Tue 15 Apr 20.00 Roxane van Iperen to Calefax-land TivoliVredenburg (premiere) Utrecht / NL Tickets
Thu 17 Apr 20.15 Roxane van Iperen to Calefax-land Theater Junushoff Wageningen / NL Tickets
Fri 18 Apr 20.30 Roxane van Iperen to Calefax-land PLT - Theater Heerlen Heerlen / NL Tickets
Sat 19 Apr 20.00 Roxane van Iperen to Calefax-land Musis Arnhem / NL Tickets
Mon 21 Apr 20.15 Roxane van Iperen to Calefax-land Theater aan de Parade Den Bosch / NL Tickets
Thu 24 Apr 20.15 Roxane van Iperen to Calefax-land Stadsgehoorzaal Leiden / NL Tickets
Fri 25 Apr 20.30 Roxane van Iperen to Calefax-land Parktheater Eindhoven / NL Tickets
Fri 9 May 20.00 Roxane van Iperen to Calefax-land Kunstmin Dordrecht / NL Tickets
Sun 11 May 15.00 Roxane van Iperen to Calefax-land Carré Amsterdam / NL Tickets