
Free Downloads

Deze pagina geeft gratis toegang tot de collectie die Calefax sinds 2008 heeft opgebouwd door middel van de jaarlijke compositiewedstrijd. Dit archief is online geplaatst om zoveel mogelijk bladmuziek voor de bezetting rietkwintet beschikbaar te stellen aan andere rietkwintetten.

De bezetting van ‘het rietkwintet’ is enigszins variabel. De composities in dit archief kunnen alle gespeeld worden door vijf spelers met het instrumentarium zoals wij dat voorschrijven voor de Calefax Composers Competition.
1 hobo / althobo / oboe d’amore
2 klarinet (bes / a)
3 saxofoon (alt / sopraan)
4 basklarinet / bassethoorn (in een enkel geval contrabasklarinet)
5 fagot

Uiteraard zijn in dit archief alleen composities opgenomen van componisten die hiervoor expliciet toestemming hebben gegeven. Deelnemers aan een van de jaargangen van de Calefax Composers Competition die hun compositie hier niet terugvinden maar wel (alsnog) ter download willen aanbieden wordt vriendelijk verzocht contact met Calefax op te nemen via
Ook als een rietkwintet een van de werken wil gaan uitvoeren tijdens een concert, wordt vriendelijk verzocht contact op te nemen met Calefax, zodat we je in contact kunnen brengen met de componist. Hartelijk dank!

Winnaars Calefax Composers Competition

Eerdere winnaars van de Calefax Composers Competition zijn:

Erik Valdemar Sköld (2024, Zweden)
Ufuk Biçak (2022, Turkije)
Abraham Gomez (2021, Mexico) (link)
Patrick John Jones (2020, VK) (link)
Nina Shekar (2020, VS) (link)
Ugurcan Öztekin (2019, Turkije) (link)
Yeonju Kim (2018, Korea)
Yonaton Ron (2018, Israël)
Mithatcan Öcal  (2017, Turkije)
Janco Verduin (2015, NL) (link)
Michael Walsh (2014, VK)
Corey Dundee (2013, VS)
Didier Marc Garin (2012, Frankrijk)
José Mora-Jiménez (2011, Costa-Rica/NL) (link)
Jeffrey Harrington (2010, VS/Frankrijk)
Heleen Verleur (2009, NL)
Holger de Bruin (2008, NL)


Free downloads

Het archief van de Calefax Composers Competitie is hieronder te vinden:


Bill Joel – La vita é un circo
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Casper van Nugteren – Ti Penso IV
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Christopher Weait – A Child Discovers…
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Dionicio Aguirre Treviño – Olvidarás el Fuego
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Evelin Seppar – Oh You
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Florence Anna Maunders – Dropp’d Hard
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Harald Walkate – The Rest is Silence
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Marnen Laibow-Koser – Slow Air and Dance
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Nicolas Kummert – Ballet d’Etoiles
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Ong Ping Din – Propagations
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Panos Gklistis – A Quote and the Dance of the Broken Puppet
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Peter Machajdik – Blurred
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Theofilos Lambrianidis – In the Same Mode
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Tineke Lemmens – Short Circuit
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Sebastian Zaczek – Treiben
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Ufuk Biçak – Devinim
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Werner De Bleser – Tre Pezzi Piccoli
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Aaron S. Ricucci-Hill – Aftershock
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Adam Bar-Pereg – All I Got From 2020 Was This Lousy Composition
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Anthony Conroy – Five Studies on Dynamic Entropy
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Camila Salomé Menino – Stereo(types)
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Chuck Holdeman – Amuse Oreille
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Colin MacDonald – Raices
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Emiel Matthijsse – Block 5
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Emircan Pehlivan – Antiqua Fragmentorum
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Genian Kulakov – My Dream
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George Blakesley – Rolling
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Ian Stephens – Springhead
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John Gibson – Extinction Events
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Julian Grant – Il mio bimbo…
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Remco Menting – Waai
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Remy Alexander – Have u decided?
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Tak-Wei Wong – Last But Not Least (Special Mention by Northern Reeds)
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Titus Tielens – Le Quotidien
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Twan Swagten – Sound of the City
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Zach Gulaboff Davis – Divergence
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Adriaan Denkers – What Will We Have For Desert
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Amin Ebrahimi – Ghamish
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Christiaan Janssen – 8 Miniature Variations
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David Kosviner – kaleido_scape
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Davin Mosterd – Memory of a Forest
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Femke Bun – Inward Shift
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Massimo Beckers – Osmanthus
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Michael Simon – I AND HE
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Patrick John Jones – Uncanny Vale
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Paul Frankhuijzen – The Infinity of Landscape
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Polina Medyulyanova – Gyre
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Twan Swagten – Gasperzo Caprice
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Tze Yeung Ho – vihik (e)
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Wim Kuijt – And Water…
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Dario Arciniega – Children on a Winter Morning
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Hans Bakker – Het Verre Nabij
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Paul Bruinen – Metamorphosen
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Steve Ege – The Return
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Christiaan Janssen – Cortège
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Paul Kopetz – Axolotl Rag
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Joaquín Mendoza Sebastián – The bitter taste of green buildings
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Mathieu Polak – Big Ben
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Pál Rózsa – Easy piece, with love Op. 575
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Yimin Wu – Orientation Day
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Hans Bakker – The Valley Spirit Never Dies
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Bart Delissen – Prelude & Allegro
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Alp Durmaz – Clowns
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Peter Greve-Side Effects
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John Leszczynski-Variations in the Reeds (sample)
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Jean de Lière – Poema per Quintetto di Ancia (Ode aan de Noordermarkt)
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César Lüttger – Échecs
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di Maggio – Diego in Arona
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Kaori Nakano – Fu Jin
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Ruud Roelofsen – Glitch
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Hans Tolhuijs – Departure-Change flight-Arrival
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Toon Vandevorst – Elephant Grass
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Huub de Vriend – Tabee, Tabee, New York
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Arthur Wagenaar – sly buxom baggage
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Jeffrey Harrington – Ranae (and 3 other reed quintets)
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(winnaar CCC 2010)

Pieter Simons – il festo
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Emiel F.A.J. Stöpler – Articulate & Nightsearch
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Mathieu Lussier – Laurentian Bolero
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Wenbin Lyu – Subsonic Pulse
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David Cowdy – Starburst!
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Henk Huizinga – Balancing Act
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Colin Wood – Three and Two
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Alon Farji – Añoranza por Argentina
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Michael Blake – Giyani
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Hannjürn Weigert – reedquint
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Sébastien Devillers-Thijssen – running after you
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Anastasios Panos – Various Pieces
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Alexandre Almeida – Five Small Roads
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Abraham Gomez – Astro Errante
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Christian Smalt – Nu Al
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Jan Klein Swormink – KSP37 Rietkwintet in tijden van corona
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Jon Martin Vinje – Drøm
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Kalman Levitin – Six Jazzatelles
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Maja Tica – Kalamas Fuge
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Titus Tielens – Lockdown
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Remy Alexander – It’s okay they’re only feelings
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Joe Clark – Impressions Emphemeral
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Jeroen Elfferich – Smart Conversations
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Will Hoogakker – Music for Reed Quintet I
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Will Hoogakker – Music for Reed Quintet II – Retrograde
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Yeonju Kim – Circularity (winnaar 2018)
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Yonatan Ron – Uberstunts (winnaar 2018)
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Spyros Syrmos – A Brawny Tree
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José Benjamín Falces Vaquero – Two Lines Over a Long One
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Donna Verdell – If this is It
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Ron van Effrink – Going to the East
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Evgeny Irshai – Ikigai
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Christiaan Janssen – Suite 6
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Michal Lesniak – Mandragora
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Ryszard Lubieniecki – Isorythmic Composition no. 3
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Andrew Middleton – Five Pieces for Reed Quintet
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Mithatcan Öcal – Avis Nocturna
(winnaar CCC 2017)
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Rósza Pál – … for Reed Quintet
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Heather Pinkham – A Balancing Act
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Ryne Siesky – Dispositive Contours
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Rob Verdurmen – A Short Adventure
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Mark Zuckerman – Close Reeding

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Roman Blum – Sinfoniesatz in C minor
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Silvia Coricelli – QuinteTango
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Trevor Cramer – Mahler Songs
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Bernard Homan – Petit Quatuor
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Cornelia Sommer – Kapustin Variations
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Rodrigo Baggio – Skyways
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Diane Berry – From the Salish Sea
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Andrea Coppini – Images of Sardinia
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Paul Gelsing
 – Liebe Grüsse aus Prag
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Luciano Guimaraes – A Musical Postcard from Brazil
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Evagelia Siarvali – Dias
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Pieter Simons – Kreta
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Rick van Velthuizen – weltjugend U6
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Christos Alexopoulos – A walk in the part (he’s mad though…)
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Jose Mora Jimenez – MOBILE3
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(winnaar CCC 2011)

Pál Rózsa – Greetings from Hungary
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Pieter Simons – war is over
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